Top things to do in Madeira

Restaurante Santo António


Located in Estreito de Câmara de Lobos, Santo António Restaurant is the space where simplicity, quality and service pleasure prevail through local and family tradition. Founded in 1966, it began as a typical Madeiran “Tasca” (similar to a tavern), growing and changing over time but kept in the family from generation to generation. Cosy with traditional decor, it is the space of choice for places where meals are prepared with dedication every day.

The menu is small and selective, valuing traditional Madeiran dishes. The star dish is Espetada em Pau de Louro (meat on a spit), but you will find other equally delicious delicacies, such as Passion Fruit Pudding and Bolo do Caco with Butter. Average price 40€/2 pax.

Open every day. It takes reservations.

  • Funchal
  • Steakhouse


Estrada João Gonçalves Zarco, 656
9325-087 Estreito De Câmara

291 910 360

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