Top things to do in Madeira

Cascata dos Anjos

Place of Interest

Considered one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Madeira, Cascata dos Anjos passes over the old E.R.101 near Ponta do Sol. In the company of the sea and after 1.8 km, the waterfall offers your car a bath! Yes, the waterfall descends on the rock surface, coming from a Levada, allowing a spectacular waterfall over the road to flow into the sea below.

Prepare the machine! Stop, take a refreshing bath and enjoy one of the island's most secret and enchanting wonders. You can park your car further back, but you should walk a few hundred metres. Nevertheless, visitors say it is one of the most astonishing views when you cross the waterfall and look back. As there is no official river, the waterfall does not flow all year round but becomes especially attractive after the rainy season.

  • Ponta do Sol
  • Waterfalls


Caminho das Fontes 15

9360-355 Ponta do Sol

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Place of Interest
Ponta do Sol