Top things to do in Madeira

Cabo Girão - Skywalk


The Cabo Girão Viewpoint, located two minutes from the town's centre, is one of the main tourist attractions in Madeira for its extraordinary views over the ocean and the municipalities of Câmara de Lobos and Funchal. The area experienced requalification, and today is a town with shops, parking and a wonderful Skywalk, a magnificent platform similar to the one in the Grand Canyon.

As Cabo Girão is one of the highest headlands in Europe, with 580 metres above sea level, the Skywalk becomes an experience for the bravest! The platform is made of glass and, therefore, transparent and gives the impression of floating. See everything below your feet. Daunting? Perhaps, but worth it! If you suffer from vertigo, stay at the viewpoint and watch the panoramic views.

Open all year round from 8:30 am to 7:00 pm/8:00 pm, depending on the season. It is free.

  • Câmara de Lobos
  • Place of Interest


Estrada do Cabo Girão
9300-351 Câmara de Lobos


Place of Interest
Câmara de Lobos